Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 2 of the 30 Day Photo Challenge

 Day 2 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest to the longest
 I would say this would have to be a tie .... so I'll post a picture of the two people that have
1.  Known me the longest and 2.  I am closest too ............... My Mom and Dad
I couldn't ask for better parents.  Next to my husband they are my best friends!!  Forever in my heart!!! I love them both so Much.  The first photo is from my 1 year "birthday/anniversary" after my transplant for Leukemia.  The second photo is Such a Cute Photo of them I just had to include it.  It is from the "100 Year" party my mom throw for my Dad and I back in 2002.  My dad was 70 and I was 30 70+30=100.

So far so good .... tomorrow is Day 3.  Stay tuned for the next photos ..............

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