Friday, April 22, 2011

My Next Blogging Challenge -- 30 Days of Blogging

Now that I am done with my photo challenge it is onto my next blogging challenge.  So here it goes ....

Day 1 – Your favorite song, movie, book, television program, and quote

Day 2 - A photo of you taken over 10 years ago and the story behind it

Day 3 - A childhood memory

Day 4 - A healthy recipe

Day 5 - A motto or philosophy of yours

Day 6 - A moment you wish you could relive

Day 7 - Five things you could not possibly live without

Day 8 - A thank you letter to someone who has changed your life

Day 9 - A talent of yours

Day 10 - A person you admire and why

Day 11 - A photo of you taken recently

Day 12 - A song that you want played at your wedding (or was played)

Day 13 - A guilty pleasure

Day 14 - A vacation you would like to take

Day 15 - Five websites you visit often or would recommend

Day 16 - A song that makes you cry

Day 17 – What motivates you to achieve your goals?

Day 18 – A charity or a cause you support and why

Day 19 - A scar you have, and it's story

Day 20 - A hobby of yours

Day 21 – Tell a joke or a riddle

Day 22 - A movie no one would expect you to love

Day 23 - A way in which you want to be remembered

Day 24 – What are three things you would take with you on a deserted island

Day 25 – Share a heart-warming story

Day 26 - A photo you took and the story behind it

Day 27 - A physical feature you love about yourself

Day 28 – If you could appear on any Television Program what would it be?

Day 29 - Hopes, dreams, and plans for the future

Day 30 – What is your best tip for losing weight?

Hope you all enjoy.  I can't take credit for the challenge, and I am not sure exactly where I found it. 

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

This looks like a fun one! Just just started another 30 day challenge tonight. Its all about music this time


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